Revenge upon the spammers

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Revenge upon the spammers

Post by ReleaseTheGeese »

Just came back to see if this place was still alive and kicking. I hate to see any good forum fall prey to spammers.

So what can we do? I notice they have contact forms on their web sites - but I also have a script that will generate lots of nonsense on the fly, and flood any given endpoint with comically useless data. The script was written to fill the databases of a FB phisher and make his dataset worthless. Might be funny to see if it can work with any success against these spammers.

So we have two pages - one selling fake passports (naughty) and another selling fake language certificates in German (sehr VERBOTEN) - going to set this up in the morning.

The details of my script and how it works is here: ... ahapl.html

You're welcome to have a go yourself, if you know any Perl.
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Re: Revenge upon the spammers

Post by ReleaseTheGeese »

I've the script working to target our friends at "World Passporte". So far they've received 250 new contacts, each with his favourite classic copypasta, political speech or verse of sumerian poetry in the message body.
Screenshot 2024-12-30 at 11.55.01.png
The script "" is attached. If anyone else wants to play with it, and make SEO really pay off, I'm happy to provide setup instructions.

Note: to make the server accept the request you'll need to send at least one message using your web browser with dev tools open, and get the 'nonce' from the form request, then change the nonce parameter in the $TPL template.
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Re: Revenge upon the spammers

Post by flatrute »

I have to thank myself for emailing Matt to give me the moderation role since this place would be dead months ago FreakingGonzo Anyway sorry for not nuking the spams soon enough...I have things to finish IRL PepeHands
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Re: Revenge upon the spammers

Post by ReleaseTheGeese »

not a problem, I had an excuse to use my script for yet more great justice. thanks for consigning them to oblivion!
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