Hey all!
I'm Rackneh and I'm working on a VR port of MGS3 from the PS2 to Unity VR.
Jayveer, the original Shagohod and MDL plugin for Noesis developer has layed the ground work for asset extraction but he hasn't had the time to take the MDL & Shagohod project to it's end.
Are there people (maybe KC if the stars align) here who can and want to help get atleast the cutscene animations from the Demo.dat?
(The tool that extracts the .dats: https://github.com/Jayveer/Shagohod)
I'm not asking this having done nothing, with a lot of help from a friend I managed to code a large part of the orginal game mechanics and the Enemy AI.
I've also made a Indices Winding Order bruteforce fixing tool: https://github.com/Rackneh/WindingOrderFixerTool
If you have any ideas that might help get the data from the Demo.Dat comment here, if you want to help directly @me on Discord (Rackneh is my name there too)
(To be clear this project isn't going to include copyrighted assets, the WindingOrderFixerTool is part of the system I'm making that's going to allow people to extract assets on install so they have to bring their own Rom/Disc of the game)
Thank you for taking the time to read this!