(Attempting to) get Java 6 running on Windows 95 (Plus Minecraft working on 95)

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(Attempting to) get Java 6 running on Windows 95 (Plus Minecraft working on 95)

Post by Nukley »

For a bit of background, I was able to, long story short, get Minecraft running on Windows 95.

It turned out somebody beat me by a week (what a coincidence... still totally not mad about that one lol) I was able to get the mouse and such working with the help of my buddy Vulpovile. We have open sourced the core component used to get Minecraft working https://github.com/Vulpovile/MiniJGL, and I forked Betacraft https://github.com/betacraftuk/betacraft-launcher and was able to get Microsoft authentication working by using some TLS 1.2 libraries. Due to the Betacraft launcher using GPL, I do have to at some point open source my code, but I do not consider it ready for release at this moment. In order to get Java 5 to properly work in this scenario, I actually utilized MattKC's wrappers which were used in dotnet9x https://github.com/betacraftuk/betacraft-launcher. As you'll see in the video, with trying to get Java 6 going, I was completely unaware that I was missing some core components in getting it running, and java would instantly die without dotnet9x installed.

For the record, yes, Java 6 is open source, and yes, I did try compiling it, it was an absolute disaster and it barely ran properly. I will probably try again at some later point when I feel like suffering once more.
I tried putting a Java 5 jvm.dll into a Java 6 runtime, and it actually sort of worked, but died when trying to launch minecraft (surprising, right? it should have totally worked...)

Here is a draft of the video where I explore trying to get Java 6 on 95 (Before you watch, it didn't work, btw), I censored out the urls that the files were downloaded from, as they have a lot of private files on them. I'd love some feedback on this stuff, but I thought this is sort of stuff is in the interest of everybody here. Have the expectation of a lot of profanity.
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Re: (Attempting to) get Java 6 running on Windows 95 (Plus Minecraft working on 95)

Post by flatrute »

Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to fork ClassiCube and extend it with Alpha/Beta features instead Thunking Anyway, nice research work here Thuink
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