How to pass my exams?

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How to pass my exams?

Post by takoymi »

So my final exams are in a month (they determine the uni I'll go to) and as you can probably guess I am kinda anxious. While I've been studying all year I still feel like it isn't enough (especially considering I am barely solving some of the hard problems of previous year's exams). I know a month won't make such a big difference but even so I really want to pass. Of course I am studying as much as I can (I deleted all social media and I am writing this while eating lunch, I am not procrastinating) but I still feel like this isn't enough and I guess my thoughts are coming from stress of giving exams in a month but even so I need to do my best. The subjects that I am being examined are math, physics, chemistry and literature. So what should I do to maximize my chances to get good scores?
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Re: How to pass my exams?

Post by flatrute »

As someone who is about to take IELTS tests in a few days, what I could say is to have a break a day or two before the test day. Having yourself stressed means you will panic when you get to questions that actually test your knowledge. Also, if you have pressures from anyone else, try to get rid of that. Tests are for evaluating your own skills, not to satisfy anyones demands.
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Re: How to pass my exams?

Post by Gordinator »

Just remember the words on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the guide in the story, not the book itself): DON'T PANIC
Signed, Gordinator.
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